For quantities of 500 CDs or more, the most cost effective route is Factory Pressed Replication. This involves a process known as ‘glass mastering’ where the discs are moulded from a metal ‘stamper’ that is created from a laser-etched glass master disc. Prices get even more competitive when you get to 1000 or more, and keep on getting better as the quantity goes up.
As well as the standard jewel case option, we can supply your discs in a variety of packages for maximum impact, such as Digipaks, PVC and Card wallets, slimline cases etc.

All our factory pressed discs are manufactured in Europe by Sony’s plants in France and Germany. So you can be rest assured firstly that quality control is high, and that your consignment of CDs won’t suddenly be held up in Customs in a foreign country miles from their destination…

We are often asked about turnaround times. The truth is that this can vary depending on the packaging involved, and the time of year. But for factory CDs and DVDs in general, a rule of thumb is about 10 – 12 working days from the point that we have received your production parts CORRECTLY in spec to our requirements.

Click here for our great current 1000 deal!

Click here for our factory CD prices


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